If you want to get the latest hairstyle, then following celebrity examples is the best way to find a new look. Celebrities are always setting new hairstyles trends that are worth copying. Their careers count on good looks, so why shouldn't their hairstyle be totally awesome?
Included with every celebrity hairstyle example are directions on how to create the style on your own. Sometimes the style can be very easy to re-create. You might need some good hair care products, hair tools and a little patience-to practice creating the styles.
This funky two toned style, above, is our favorite look for Christina. The hair has had long blunt layers cut throughout the bottom to give great texture and shape to this simple and long cut. This hairstyle will suit medium to thick hair types.
Check out links to all our galleries below. Also, see popular celebrity looks below, left. All celebrity names below without a link are in the editorial stage and will become available soon. Be sure to check back frequently or even bookmark this page to stay on top of celebrity hairstyles trends.
Gwneth Paltrow