We started out with a top 100 list of celebrity hairstyles. This list quickly grew in numbers - so much that now we don't even keep track. There are so many celebrity hairstyles that are amazing enough to be copied for your own look. Browse our large galleries to catch up on the latest trends, cuts and colors today.
The most trendy hair styles are shown in the various galleries, updo hair styles, short hair styles, medium hair styles, long hairstyles and men's hair styles. Links to the galleries are located to your left. There are constant changes in our galleries. There are so many different hair styles today and many different options that are available for styling.
Check out our large hairstyles gallery for more examples of hot bangs, like Hilary Swank's.
There are many different types of hair bangs - and they can all be hot.
Different types of bangs are included in all of our hair galleries.
Hot New Updo Hairstyles
Eva Longoria has one of the most viewed updo hairstyles, see photo right. This style features all over waves with amixture of highlights and lowlights throughout. Fringe hair is left out in front and slightly curled to create an S pattern fringe framing the face area.
This is a great hairstyle suitable for weddings, proms, graduation or any formal occasion. Add in a mixture of highlights throughout to create added dimension. Hair in crown area has been back combed slightly to create height in the area. For best results, curl hair all over with a medium barrel curling iron and allow to cool completely.
Victoria holds the spotlight for modern short hairstyles. She has an inverted bob hairstyle where the layers are longer in the front and shorter in the back. The hair has some height in the crown area, which can be created by gently backcombing small sections of hair.
Drew's on the fence medium length hairstyle has been a big hit. It is a revised version of Victoria's bob above. This style features longer layers in back and lots of side long layers to gently frame the face.
Drew has experimented with many different hair colors over the last few years. Red, brunnette and various shades in between with highlights and lowlights have made Drew a hairstyle chameleon.
Kate Beckinsale wows us with her beautiful long, chestnut colored locks. This long layered cut is very popular among celebrities and non-celebrities alike. Will this style work for your hair? Why not find out.