Sometimes you just need to go with a simple, sleek updo. Smooth all hair back and secure into a ponytail or twist into a chignon. Styles shown above offer the chic, but simple look for just about any occasion.
For a more fancy take on the simple updo, see hair style below, you can pull out some wispy strands of hair in the front and add curl to them using a curling iron. The hair is still pulled back smoothly, yet the style has a somewhat softer, romantic look to it.
Are you in a hurry and need a quick and easy formal hair style? Then the ponytail hair style was invented just for you.
What could be easier than applying a styling cream, pulling all your hair back into one ponytail?
Variations of this style could be leaving your hair all curly before pulling it back, or running a flat iron over it for the extra smooth, shiny look.
Either way, this is a quick and easy formal hair style that is
accepted at formal occasions today.
Even though the hair style, left, looks a little messy, it still may require a little bit of work to get it to look this way.
First, you must add all over waves using a curling iron, or even hot rollers. Allow hair to cool and then gently pull all hair loosely together and twist into a chignon, pinning layers in place.
Pull out a few wispy, curly strands around the face for the smoldering look.